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Upcoming Homeroom Lesson Info and Opt-Out Form


Dear Sherwood High School Families,

In July of 2015, the Oregon Legislature passed SB 856, also known as Erin’s Law, which requires schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention instruction for kindergarten through grade 12. In order to meet the requirements in the law and school board policy, Sherwood High School will implement four sexual abuse prevention lessons each year. These lessons will be taught during Homeroom in order to provide this required instruction to all students. All high school teaching staff participate in professional training required by Erin’s Law before teaching these lessons.

The lessons will address the following topics and skills:

Topics Addressed: 

  • Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships 
  • Teen Dating Violence 
  • Sexual Assault/Abuse 

Skills Addressed:

  • Techniques to Recognize Sexual Abuse
  • Communication Skills to Establish Boundaries
  • Skills to Tell a Trusted Adult

The lessons will take place on Mondays and Fridays during homeroom between Monday, February, 5 and Friday, March 8, 2024.

In all areas, parents and guardians are a child’s first and most influential teachers. Families and schools share a common goal: we want students of all ages to be valued, respected, and safe in all aspects of their lives. We want to ensure that families have the opportunity to view the content before instruction takes place. Additional information on Erin’s Law and lesson content can be found on the high school’s website linked here. After you have reviewed the lesson content, you may choose to opt your student out of instruction by filling out the opt-out form: [English] [Espanol]

If you have further questions regarding all or part of the Erin’s Law lessons, please inquire with the high school administration.


Adam Mitchell
