What Is Erin’s Law?
In 2015, the Oregon legislature passed SB 856, also known as Erin’s Law. Erin’s Law requires the development and adoption of child sexual abuse prevention programs for students in kindergarten through 12th grade in all Oregon public schools.
Erin’s Law Lessons
Sherwood High School will implement four sexual abuse prevention lessons each year. These lessons will be taught during Homeroom in order to provide this required instruction to all students.
The lessons will address the following topics and skills:
Topics Addressed:
- Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships
- Teen Dating Violence
- Sexual Assault/Abuse
Skills Addressed:
- Techniques to Recognize Sexual Abuse
- Effective Communication Skills to Establish Boundaries
- Skills to Tell a Trusted Adult
Opting Out
After you have reviewed the lesson content, you may choose to opt your student out of instruction by filling out the opt-out form: