The Sherwood School District is continuing to engage families and community members throughout the 2022-23 school year as we assess how to best meet the needs of our students and families, as well as the community at-large. Throughout the year, this process will include a variety of engagement opportunities, such as parent/community listening sessions, stakeholder meetings, and feedback surveys.

In past school and district communications, we have shared opportunities with you to participate in both our parent/guardian feedback survey as well as our community member survey.  We will be extending an opportunity to all of our secondary (middle and high school students) to share similar feedback with our district. This survey will be provided during Homeroom prior to the Winter Break. These student surveys will be optional and completely anonymous. 

A copy of the questions that will be included in the survey for SHS students can be found here. Although the survey is optional, we hope students will take this opportunity to share their thoughts with our district team!