Attendance Email:

Oregon Revised Statute 339.065 (2)* states: “An absence may be excused by a principal or teacher if the absence is caused by the student’s sickness, by the sickness of some member of the student’s family, or by an emergency. A principal or teacher may also excuse absences for other reasons where satisfactory arrangements are made in advance of the absence.”

Excusable Absences

Absences are excusable if they are for one of the following:

Illness of the student, or Illness of immediate family member when the student’s presence at home is necessary.

Emergency situations that require the student’s absence
Field trips and school-approved activities.

All appointments, including medical and dental appointments. A Confirmation Note of appointment is required for all students, including students 18 years of age and over.

Pre-arranged absences deemed appropriate by the school administrator. Satisfactory arrangements must have been made in advance of the absence (pre-arranged absence forms can be picked up in the main office).
Pre-arranged absences may include:

  • Funerals and marriages
  • Family holidays (not to exceed 10 school days)
  • Court appearances
  • College visitations

Inexcusable (unexcused) absences include sleeping in, missing the bus, car trouble, etc. Any student who is 20 minutes late for any class, will be considered absent for that class period.

How to Excuse Your Child 

To report an absence for your student, please email preferably in the morning. Absences must be excused within 48 hours. You may also call the attendance line at 503-825-6010 and leave a voicemail, though email is our preferred method for absence reporting.

Please include the following information in your email, voicemail:

1. Name of student
2. Parent/Guardian Name
3. Date of absence
4. Reason for absence
5. Phone number where Parent/Guardian can be reached

Picking up Students During School

If you need to pick up your student during school hours, the attendance office will need to know in advance. You can email or call and leave a voicemail in the morning before the absence. Again, please share this required information:

1. Name of student
2. Parent/Guardian Name
3. Date, time, and duration of absence
4. Reason for absence
5. Phone number where Parent/Guardian can be reached

Important! : We realize that unforeseen circumstances may arise and you may need your student right away. We will do our best to accommodate this, however, it may or may not be done in a timely manner.

*48 Hour Policy

All absences must be excused within 48 hours. The 48 hour window begins at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the student’s absence and ends at 8:00 a.m. 48 hours later. Any absence not excused within that 48 hour window will be considered unexcused. No exceptions.

Absences and Academic Work

Students may complete all work assigned or turned in during an excused absence. Teachers will make reasonable arrangements regarding when make-up work for excused absences is due. A student has no right to earn credit for in-class work during an unexcused absence.

Students with prolonged absences may request homework from teachers for the period of the absence. Please contact the Attendance Office (503-825-6010) at least two school days before the assignments are to be picked up.

Arriving Late to School

Oversleeping, missing the bus, and car problems are not excused. Arriving late may be excused only for illness, an appointment (accompanied by a doctor’s note) or for family obligations if requested 2 days prior to the late arrival. We can no longer excuse tardies for any other reason than the above-mentioned. No phone calls or notes will be taken. A student who arrives late within 20 minutes of school starting will be sent DIRECTLY TO CLASS. If they arrive later than 20 minutes, the student must check in at attendance and get an admit slip to class.

Leaving Early from School

Students who become ill or injured during the day or for some other reason need to leave school must come to the attendance office so those parents can be notified. Students who leave without the authorization of the attendance office will be considered as having cut class or skipping class and will be subject to disciplinary action. Please be mindful of texting your students during class times. Teachers often times will not allow students to leave during class unless they have an official pass from the attendance office. It is much appreciated if students can WAIT until a passing time to leave campus…although we realize that often times it can’t be helped. Please remind students to sign in and out at the attendance window.